Saturday, February 28, 2015

Services Contract

Security Alarm Services Contract

Security on the Spot (“SOS”) – a division of Security Services, Inc. – and _____________________ (“Client”) enter this contract for security alarm sales and services. They mutually agree as follows:

1.      Contract Duration

a.    Initial Contract Duration

This contract is initially for one year, beginning on _________, 20__ and ending on _________, 20__.

b.     Automatic Renewal

Unless Client gives SOS 30 days’ written notice before the end of the current contract, the contract will automatically renew every year.

2.     Payment

a.    Rate

Client will pay SOS $________ per month beginning on _________, 20__.

b.     Method

SOS does not accept cash payments. Client may pay the bill two ways: by returning the attached form to authorize automatic payment; or, by sending payment directly to SOS.  Please use this address:

            Security Services, Inc.
Att’n: Billing Department
            9999 High Street
            Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103

c.     Late Fee

Any payment made after the first of the month will result in a 10% late fee which will appear on the next month’s bill.

d.    Deduction

Client is entitled to a pro-rata deduction for all interruptions in service that are not caused by Client which last for more than 24 hours.

3.     Equipment

a.    Installation

On _________, 20__ at ____, SOS will install the following security alarm equipment at Client’s property:

b.     Monitoring

SOS will monitor Client’s security alarm system. SOS will notify the appropriate authorities when it detects an alarm.

c.     Maintenance

SOS will keep the security equipment in reasonable repair. Client will give SOS access to maintain the security equipment during regular business hours. Except for emergency repair, SOS will give Client at least seven days’ notice for all maintenance.

4.     Service Disruption

SOS is not responsible for any disruption in service which is outside its control.

5.     False Alarm

a.    Washtenaw County False Alarm Ordinance

This contract is subject to the Washtenaw County False Alarm Ordinance 84-10 (“ the ordinance”) which mandates penalties for false alarms. Client should read the ordinance.

b.     False Alarm Report

Client must send the Washtenaw County Sheriff a False Alarm Report within 10 days of each false alarm. SOS will provide Client with 15 blank forms.

c.     False Alarm Fee

The ordinance allows three “free” false alarms within a six month period. Washtenaw County will charge Client $25 for each additional false alarm. SOS is not responsible for paying the false alarm fees.

d.    False Alarm Response

The ordinance requires Client – or someone designated by Client – to respond to each alarm within 30 minutes. The people authorized by Client to respond to alarms are [insert name, address, and phone number]:

e.     Right to a Hearing

The ordinance gives Client the right to an administrative hearing with the Sheriff about the false alarms.

f.       Responsibility for False Alarms

Client is responsible for all false alarms. This includes false alarms outside Client’s control. SOS is not responsible for false alarms.

6.     Early Termination

a.    By Client

Client may terminate this contract early, but Client will owe 25% of the remaining contract price. However, if SOS fails to provide service for 30 consecutive days, Client may terminate the contract without penalty.

b.     By SOS

SOS may terminate the contract if it is not practical to continue service.
7.     Warranties

SOS does not insure Client’s safety. Further, SOS does not insure Client against any losses from burglary. Client is encouraged to purchase insurance to cover these type of losses.

8.    Assignment

This contract may be assigned if the assignment is reasonable.

9.     Modification

Client and SOS may modify this contract by a signed, dated, and written agreement.

10.Governing law

Michigan law governs this contract.

11.  Liability

SOS is liable only to the extent required by Michigan law.

Security Services, Inc.

__________________                                       ___________________
Juan Aguilar, President                                         Client
Date:_________, 20__                                        Date: __________, 20__

Prepared by: student # 119483

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